Wednesday, October 22, 2014


"Hello world, my old friend, it's good to see you again"  from one of my favorite songs by Lady Antebellum.    It talks about cell phones ringing, traffic jams, distractions we all experience.  Lot's of things and people vie for our attention, on a daily basis and we don't take time to look outside ourselves to what is going on.  It is very easy to get wrapped up in our schedules and obligations to the point there is little time for anything else.  Yes we can stop and smell the roses, but is it possible to even find them?  I think it is safe to say we often times do not know where to look.  Too busy...

Here is another angle to percolate on.  During my daily walk this morning I listened to it from a different perspective.  Grief also engulfs us and distracts in a way where we can stop living.  We go through the motions, and life is a dull roar in the background, we are afraid and unable to stop and really think about anything, because the ghosts and the pain comes back.  We are in a coma of sorts, missing out on life and loved ones.  By no means am I saying it is that simple.  What I am saying is that eventually the noise quiets down, the fog lifts, and we slowly wake from the nightmare of death.  We rejoin the world of the living, but still revere our lost loved ones.  We look for ways to keep them close in our hearts so their spirit lives on.  When we are able to do that it becomes easier to face each day head-on and make the most of the time we have left.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

beautifully said, and so true!