So I visited their website and found there are 50 ordained Womenpriests and 5 women bishops in the U.S. and Canada. They were ordained by a European Bishop whose identity remains guarded by all he ordained. The women received training and guidance from priests. But after they were ordained, they were not welcome in their churches and told they could attend Mass, but not wear their collar. The womenpriests understand this as the priests would be excommunicated if it came out they were complacent in this matter.So far there are 3 in the Chicago area and the push is on for more everywhere.
Of course we would not hear anything about this from our Mother Church, The Vatican put the ordaining of female priests on the same level as pedophilia,a grave crime or "graviora delicta". Really? Who says women do not receive the priestly call from God? And if they do they cannot follow the call because the males in the Vatican have determined that the Lord did not have female disciples, according to the Bible, which by the way was edited my men and did not include all the information that was discovered. So how does anyone know God's intent? This is the problem I have with organized religion. Most of it is well intended, but still, come on man.
I believe that the ordination of women is something that the Catholic Church can no longer ignore or categorize as a sin or crime. So I encourage my readers, especially those of the Catholic persuasion to gather as much information as possible on this subject and perhaps take a stand. The church is in desperate need of priests and women should be allowed into the priesthood.
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