The Power Of Prayer
For darn near the past five years, I have been hoping and praying that somehow we would be able to move back home to Michigan. We found ourselves in the Pacific Northwest in 2004 due to a job change for my Husband, Sam. Telling ourselves that it would be an adventure (yeah, right). We packed up and headed west.
I thought our prayers were answered a year and a half ago, when his company notified us that we were being relocated to their Chicago Office. Praise the Lord, I thought, 150 miles away from home is better than 2300. Well, the economy was starting to go south and the company canceled the relocation. I was devastated. Every time I visited home, it was apparent to me what I was missing out on because I was so far away. My Grandchildren were 3 and 6 years old when we left. Fast forward to today.
Sam and I decided to take a three week vacation back to Michigan in June. We had a ball, visiting people and places we hadn't been in five years. We both realized how much we wanted to be closer to our loved ones, so we formulated a plan.
His company still wanted him in Chicago but hesitated asking us to transfer due to the fact we would take a loss on the house. When Sam returned to work after vacation, he approached his bosses and proposed that if we were willing to short-sell our home, would they transfer us to Chicago? They agreed, giving us the full relo package. Now we are a long way from moving, as there are numerous obstacles to overcome. We have to find a buyer, the bank has to approve the short-sale, etc. but this brings us hope and my mood has improved 100%.
So we are boning up on our driving skills, honking and changing lanes, being aggressive, rude and loud. Living there will also be an adjustment, but at least we can drive to Michigan on weekends and look forward to visits from friends and family, plus attend events at school for our Grandkids.
I am thinking that our last visit sparked a lot of prayers from various people that helped, along with ours, to get us to this end. Prayer is a powerful thing. If we take charge of our lives and not just wait for things to happen, that in tandem with prayer usually gets us to where we need to be.
I'm so happy for you! Prayer is a powerful thing. I'm glad yours are being answered.
Yay TB! So happy for you, I could hear the happiness and relief in your voice.
Great travel essays as usual.
While Chicago drivers are a handful at times (OK, most of the time), I'd be more worried about the travel times, especially with all of the construction.......Live close to your work.
We're looking forward to you moving out here soon, especially my Mother.
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