It seems that over the last five years, I have wanted nothing more than to move back home. Knowing that probably won't happen, I would settle for moving closer, like Chicago, perhaps. Almost made it a year ago.
My husband's Company was transferring us to their Bensenville office (that's near Chicago) so we put our house on the market and made plans to move only to be disappointed when the company canceled the relocation due to the economy.
When I went home for my Summer and Christmas visits I had to tell people that we weren't moving closer, much to our dismay. I told a friend that I keep praying to come home, and she said, "sometimes God says no." I felt especially sad when a few days later her daughter, who we had all been praying for, lost her battle with cancer. God has a plan and sometimes it isn't what we are looking for.
I believe that we are out here for a reason. I don't know if I would have started writing back home, there is a much more creative spirit out here. Sam and I have become a lot closer as it is just he and I now. It has brought me closer with my family. When you live within a 25 mile radius of each other you tend to take each other for granted.
So being out here in the Northwest has brought with it a sense of joy and sorrow for me. I would never have felt the utter joy in seeing my loved ones if I hadn't moved so far away. The reunions are sweeter, the goodbyes are sadder. There is no doubt we appreciate one another more than ever. The hugs are longer, the words more meaningful.
I know we will get back there, it is just a matter of time, God saying it is time to go back home now.
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