It is 5:05 a.m. and I am up and at my computer. I am giddy with excitement. Today is a historic day. We will either elect the first female Vice-President or the first African-American President of the United States. I am much more excited about the latter to be perfectly honest.
Being a child of the 60's, I remember all too vividly the violence of the Civil Rights movement. The assassination of Martin Luther King,the riots of the late 60's in Detroit and yes even Kalamazoo. I remember stories from my friends who went to Kalamazoo Central about girls being thrown out of second story bathroom windows and a lot of fighting between black and white kids with knives.
How far we all have come and none too soon for my liking. The fact we can look at a person for their achievements and character and not the color of their skin says a lot about us.
Anyway, off my soapbox and back to the couch. I will be glued to the TV tonight watching election results. It should be a close race which makes it exciting.
We have been through 21 months of endless campaigning and I am personally glad it is at an end, but what an end it will be.
Why isn't voting on my agenda today you may ask. Well my friends, I voted on October 26th in the privacy of my own home. What a kick. Here in the State of Washington we vote by mail. It was a great experience for us. No slogging out to the polls, where I might get wet or worse, have to talk to someone. (Not really). Yes I am a fair weather voter. I love taking the easy way out.
On a serious note, as screwed up as our country is right now, we are lucky to live here and have a say in our electoral process. So let your voice be heard today and know that you are a part of living history.
Thanks for the thoughts. I share your excitement - it feels like a historic day!
Hey T! I love reading your blog. Whenever I get a second I'll read a new posting. I love your poem to your granddaughter and I'm so sorry you can't spend more time with her. Please don't stop writing to her. She will cherish it forever. You are such a good soul and a down to earth funnier than "hell" gal. I love catching up and look forward to seeing you again soon. Keep smiling and hang in there. We'll be hangin with ya!
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