After an eight year journey of trying to work our way back to Michigan, from the Pacific Northwest, we finally made it in 2011. It was a blessing really as Sam's Cancer returned and we were able to be among friends and family during the last year and a half of his life. Looking back this is just one example of God taking us in his hands and placing us where we needed to be.
When I became a widow, it was altogether new territory. Even when you are technically widowed, you really don't know how to act. I fought the title for a full year, only recently changing my status on Facebook. During my first visit to Fr. Jorgensen after Sam died, he asked me if I would mind if he gave my name and number to Loretta Cone. She founded the group "Not Alone" after she lost her husband unexpectedly 15 or so years ago. She was just what the doctor ordered, although at the time I wasn't so sure. She came to the house and we had a great talk and she reassured me of so many things that our faith teaches us about death and eternal life. I continued in my fog for over a year, but never forgot Loretta. I would see her at Mass every once in a while, until a few months ago, when after church, she invited me to breakfast with the girls. What a treat they all are. Mostly widows, but not all. They took me in and gave me something to look forward to. Something so simple, something so special. I will miss all of you ladies so much, you have a special place always in my heart.
I enter this new phase of my life with mixed emotions, desperately wanting to be with my Grandchildren, but hesitant about leaving all that is familiar. Lifelong friends and extended family. So yet again I will face the challenge of making new friends, but knowing this time where to look and who to look for. I will look for God in all the people I meet.