This probably comes off sounding bitter to some, but I am not. There are lessons to be learned from this and we learned them very well. Sounds like a song doesn't it? "Red Rubber Ball" actually. But I digress. My problem is that I wished I had listened more to my inner self than trying to prove that I could be a woman of the world. Oh yeah, move? People do it everyday. I can do it. Never mind if I want to or not. Not thinking things through has always been my downfall. I never want to disappoint anyone by telling them no. I had five long years to think about that one.
Recently one of my dearest friends lost her first born Grandchild in a car accident. She is shattered as is the rest of the family. There is something about your first born grandchild and the bond that forms between you. I can't explain it, but it is there, especially Grandma and Grandson. This horrible tragedy just days before Christmas spoke to me in a way that little else does anymore. Something or someone whispered in my ear to relax and be at peace with everything and everyone around me. Don't try to be in control of the entire universe. I wish I did have some magic power where I could bring Christopher back to Deb and the Family, but I don't. All I can do is grieve with them and appreciate what I have been given for as long as God sees fit.

After Christmas dinner, my Brother and Sister-in-law took Mom home so Sam and I could stick around a little longer with my Son and family. What did we do? Nothing, just sat and enjoyed watching them be a family. Max and his Dad installing a new motherboard in his computer, Addie sketching in her Project Runway book, just being with them felt like a gift. We left there feeling very happy and blessed.
I am still very leery about what is in store for 2011, but I can't stop it, I can only enjoy what is going on right now. I must live next year one day at a time. Happy New Year everyone!